For World Sleep Day: 5 easy sleep hacks from around the world

Good night
5 sleep hacks from around the world

Sleep hacks: With these tricks from all over the world, you can also fall asleep

© Evelien / Adobe Stock

Trouble falling asleep? We look at the tricks people around the world have for this.

It feels like you’ve been tossing and turning for hours and just can’t fall asleep – the next day is already over. You may even be reading these lines in complete darkness, desperate for tips on how to finally fall asleep. And we may have the solution for you, because we looked around the world for tips and tricks from other countries and collected them for you. Well then: good night!

In China, people bathe their feet before going to bed

All fans of spa pedicures should be amazed by this tip: the nocturnal custom of a foot bath has its origins in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The bath is prepared quickly, you only need a small plastic basin (alternatively a bathtub) and you can add various ingredients to the warm water, such as:

  • Epsom salt
  • Essential oils (e.g. lavender)
  • fruit bowls
  • Herbs (e.g. mugwort)

According to TCM, the foot bath draws negative energies out of your body, making it easier for you to relax and fall asleep.

In India, people swear by the sleeping berry

Called “Ashwagandha” in Sanskrit, the sleeping berry has been used for thousands of years, among other things to reduce stress and anxiety. In a study 150 subjects received 120 mg of Ashwagandha daily for six weeks – with exciting results: Sleep latency, i.e. the time they needed to fall asleep, was reduced and an improvement in sleep quality was observed.

According to another Study from 2021 Ashwagandha has a “small but significant” impact on sleep, particularly in people diagnosed with insomnia. However: As tempting as the results may sound, it must also be said that there are currently no clear studies that classify the health risk of this plant, like the one Consumer Center warns and for this reason advises against the use of the sleeping berry.

The Swedish answer to milk with honey: Välling

While in Germany warm milk with honey is often given to children before they go to bed, the bedtime drink looks a little different in Sweden. Because here there is a milk-cereal mixture that consists of cow’s milk and ground oats and is particularly popular with infants and small children in the evening. Warm milk is popular as an evening drink because it contains compounds that can positively impact sleep cycles, including magnesium and melatonin.

For many, the ritual behind it is also crucial: Before going to bed, there is first warm milk and then it’s off to bed – the body loves rituals like this. And of course not only the body of a small child, because we adults can also prepare ourselves for bedtime with such and similar rituals.

Finland and the sauna

A visit to the sauna is certainly a luxury that not many people can treat themselves to on a regular basis – but a luxury that is definitely worth it both physically and mentally. In Finland, the sauna has been part of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage since 2020. No wonder, because spending time in a hot room has many advantages – and simply makes you happy.

According to a survey 83.5 percent of 482 respondents stated that their sleep improved after going to the sauna, which even lasted for one or two nights. Respondents who use a sauna five to 15 times a month reported greater well-being.

But please, drink enough water if you make “sauna” your new bedtime ritual.

In South and Central America it’s all about the hammock

What is a more suitable image for relaxation and well-being than a hammock? In fact, many underestimate the positive effect that such a swinging mat can have on sleep. A study from 2011 investigated exactly that and had twelve men take a 45-minute nap on different days – each in a bed and a hammock.

The result: on the hammock, it took less time to fall asleep and longer to fall asleep. So if you’ve wanted to hang up a hammock on the balcony or in your own room for a long time, you finally have very good and scientifically sound reasons that absolutely speak for it.

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