Foreign doctors worried about the “slowness” of the procedure to obtain a license to practice

They have been alerting for several months. Doctors with foreign diplomas now point to a “alarming situation”. In particular for those of them who are waiting to be issued a full exercise authorization in France, within the framework of one of the main procedures to obtain it, on file, which must be completed by December 31, 2022.

A “considerable delay” has been accumulated by the regional health agencies and the national management center, responsible for examining the some 4,500 files of practitioners with a diploma “outside the European Union”, denounces the National Union of practitioners with a diploma outside the EU (SNPADHUE), which called for a rally on Tuesday, May 31, in front of the Ministry of Health. “Only 1,500 files have so far reached the national management center, supports Nefissa Lakhdara, general secretary of SNPADHUE. We refuse an extension of this procedure after December 31, it has already been extended by one year with the Covid-19, doctors want to see the end of the tunnel. There is no question of being still maintained in precarious status, we must put the means to investigate all the files. »

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Soissons, these doctors with foreign diplomas who keep the hospital running

“Madam Minister, the Padhue are slaughtered”, chanted a few dozen “white coats” gathered on avenue de Ségur, where the new Minister of Health and Prevention, Brigitte Bourguignon, received them. She is committed to “study all possible ways of accelerating the processing of individual situations”reports the ministry.

“We remain in the dark”

Practicing under different statutes, practitioners holding a diploma from a country outside the EU represent a little-known part of the hospital, and yet crucial to allow many services to run. Anger rises in the face of “slowness” the procedure under the so-called “stock” decree, open to foreign doctors who have already practiced for at least two years in a health establishment to obtain a definitive authorization to practice, in particular via an examination of their files by various regional and national commissions.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Doctors with foreign diplomas: a new assignment procedure that turns into a puzzle

“My file has not yet gone before the national commission… if it continues to drag on, my diploma will not be validated, I will no longer have the right to practice”worries Seif Zebouche, a graduate of general medicine in Algeria, who has worked for five years in the emergency room of the Montfermeil hospital, in Seine-Saint-Denis. “We also need clarity on the conditions for validation, because for the moment, we are not asking the same thing from foreign doctors who have the same background.he says about the additional internships or training requested after the examination of the file. For the moment, we remain completely in the dark, we do not know what we will have to do. » In his service, which like many hospitals is preparing for a difficult summer, there are 14 Padhue, out of 17 practitioners.

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