“Forget the price”: Vitalik Buterin, the creator of Ethereum recalls the fundamentals

We’re here for the tech – It’s been over a year since Bitcoin reached its previous ATH. Faced with the fall in the market, good many Internet users are feeling the cryptocurrency blues. On his side, Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, recommends distancing oneself from the price and focus on technological developments.

Investors face the crypto blues

The time of the previous bullrun is now far away. However, while the courses are at their calmest, certain faults in the ecosystem persist. Scams, hacks and other rug pulls continue to rage in the ecosystem.

A situation that pushes some investors to question everything. This is particularly the case of the Internet user @CoinMamba who recently said he felt exhausted.

“After 9 years in crypto, I am a bit exhausted. I want to move on and do something different with my life. Tired of all these scammers and fraudsters…”

CoinMamba Expresses Exhaustion – Source: Twitter.

The post quickly went viral, attracting the attention of renowned players in the ecosystem. Among them, Vitalik Buterinthe co-founder of Ethereum, suggested distancing himself from trading and returning to more fundamental study.

“I recommend that you move away from trading/investment circles and get closer to the technology and application ecosystem. Get to know the ZK-SNARKs, visit a meetup in Latin America, listen to calls from All Core Devs, and read the notes until you’ve memorized all the EIP numbers…”

Afterwards, Changpeng “CZ” Zhao also commented on the post, with a simple “Keep building”.

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Slowing prices, but not innovation

Indeed, despite a stagnation in the cryptocurrency pricesthe ecosystem continues to face new developments.

Thus, on Ethereum, the second layer solutions continue to grow in popularity. So much so that layer 2 Arbitrum may soon overtake the Polygon chain in terms of TVL.

CoinMamba expresses exhaustion - Source: Twitter.
Arbitrum about to overtake Polygon.

At the same time, the ecosystem of zero-knowledge proofs has never been so vibrantwith more and more teams working on the subject.

For its part, the ecosystem Cosmos is set for a rebirth thanks to Atom’s new White Paper.

Finally, the catches of fierce ECB stance on Bitcoin seem once again to highlight the success of the asset in its mission to upset the monetary monopolies. Indeed, the ECB has once again published a scathing blog post about Bitcoin. As our colleague Rémy puts it so well: The ECB strangely seems to want to go after something it already considers dead.

Unfortunately, many Internet users do not perceive these developments. Indeed, much is still grieving over the collapse of FTX, potentially facing significant losses. Hope the meager answers provided by Sam Bankman-Fried will help move the case forward.

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