Forget walkthroughs to finish your games, Microsoft’s Copilot AI guides you through your games

Walkthroughs, guides, and video walkthroughs are popular ways to get help with a video game. These solutions could soon be made obsolete by AI.

Copilot Gaming
Credit: Microsoft

Between the new Copilot+ PC, AI translation integrated into Edge or Windows copy and paste boosted with AI, Microsoft has once again proven that it is a pioneer in terms of artificial intelligence, and especially its implementation in products and features used every day. Video game enthusiasts are also seeing AI enter their daily lives and Microsoft’s latest announcements could well shake up the way we understand this media.

The Copilot assistant integrated into Windows will soon be able to guide players step by step during a gaming session. If you are stuck somewhere or need advice to progress in your game, you will no longer need to consult a walkthrough or walkthrough on YouTube.

The end of walkthroughs and walkthroughs?

The demonstration was carried out with Minecraft, but we can imagine that eventually, all games will be compatible with this function. In the video, we can see that the player is able to speak by voice with Copilot. The discussion is natural, and Copilot manages to guide the player by giving him instructions to open his inventory, or by explaining what materials he needs to make a sword. Copilot also succeeds in identifying enemies and giving instructions to get out of a dangerous situation.

Microsoft has not revealed a release date for the arrival of this option in Minecraft and has not clearly shared its ambitions for a more massive deployment. The way Copilot works seems to indicate that it can intervene for any game running on Windows, and even on an emulator, since the AI ​​analyzes what is displayed on the screen.

Obtaining in-game help without leaving the game to go to a third-party platform has become a challenge for the video game industry. Sony has particularly distinguished itself in this area with its Game Help on PS5, which allows you to obtain clues provided by the developers, and soon help from the community of players. But with AI, players will be able to receive personalized assistance in real time.

Source: Microsoft

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