Fortnite: Darth Vader against a Loot Llama, who wins?

Of all the NPC bosses designed by Epic Games in Fortnite, Darth Vader is arguably one of the toughest. The Dark Lord of the Sith can use the dark side of the Force to his advantage, and throw his lightsaber like a boomerang. If you’ve ever encountered him in game, you should know that defeating him is not easy.

But you know what’s even harder than beating Darth Vader in single combat? Kill a loot llama of course! So when on reddit a player posts a video of a fight between Vader and a llama, the clip quickly goes viral. Sith Lord or rainbow-colored leaping animal? The bets are open !

The fight of a lifetime

Fortnite Loot Llamas have been mobile for a while now. These flee while jumping if you attack them, and you have to run after them and knock them out to be able to hit the jackpot. This novelty also makes many players cringe, because killing a llama becomes downright tedious. Certainly, the rewards are worth the detour, but you often have to chase the llama for tens of meters, while spraying it with your weapons. In addition to being a test in itself, this fight does not fail to attract opposing players, who then take the opportunity to take you by surprise.

To infinity and beyond

In the fight posted by the redditor, Darth Vader seems to overpower his camelid opponent, and the Sith Lord even manages to knock him out three times. Except that for a few patches, if the fight drags on, the loot Llamas disappear. And Darth Vader pays the price here, since when it comes time to defeat the beast, the two adversaries find themselves teleported through a fault. Like what, you should never mess with a llama.

Recently become free for all, Fall Guys will soon benefit from a little publicity thanks to Fortnite and Rocket League! The trio of games owned by Epic Games will shine with a triple crossover, and rewards to be won from all sides.

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