Fortnite Season 3 Unveiled – Weapons, Moving Bubble and More

Top start for Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3. Discover all the novelties of this new season.

After a long wait, players were finally able to experience Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3.

And on this occasion, Epic Games has unveiled on their official website all the novelties that make up this new season.

Epic Games

The tree of reality offers around it a unique ecosystem.

New Location, The Reality Waterfalls

The tree of reality has grown on the island, generating a unique ecosystem around it! This new location, called the Reality Waterfalls, is an impressive forest of mushrooms (some of which are bouncy) and purple-colored trees. But the flora is not the only wonder: swim under the waterfalls, search for loot at the bottom of the caves and propel yourself thanks to the geysers.

And, throughout the season, don’t miss the effects of the Reality Tree on other parts of the island…

That’s not all, since the island offers many other ways to relax, whether it’s dancing, an ocean distraction or, why not, a new hobby: farming your own reality tree.

The Reality Tree produces pods containing Reality Seeds, which you can plant to grow a Reality Shrub. The latter grows little by little in the same place from one part to another! However, you must take care of it by weeding it, which has the effect of improving the quality of the loot it generates. By systematically pulling weeds, you can even reach the mythical level! And if you pick up a Reality Seed when you’ve already planted one elsewhere, you can throw it to teleport the shrub back to where it landed. Finally, when your shrub wilts, plant the seed it leaves behind!

If you have a green thumb, open the map to check the status of your shrub. It even tells you when you need to weed it.

Return of the mobile bubble

Fortnite moving bubble
Epic Games

The moving bubble is back in Fortnite.

The mobile bubble is back! You can roll again and cling to surfaces, but not only. To prolong the party atmosphere of the island, take a short ride in the Bulbmobilator attraction to receive your dose of thrills… safely (normally).

The mobile bubble has undergone a few changes since its last visit to the island. Her HP has been boosted, she can float on water, and best of all, she now has a battery. When the onboard energy is exhausted, you have to go find a new bubble!

New mountable animals

Epic Games

Fortnite players can now ride wolves and boars.

The taste for speed is not the prerogative of the mobile bubble, since you can also ride wolves and boars! To do this, you just have to jump on their backs. Plus, you don’t even have to get off your mount to use your weapons.

New weapons

Double shot shotgun

Fortnite Double Shot Shotgun
Epic Games

The double shot shotgun.

The Double Shot Shotgun fires (as the name suggests) two-shot bursts that deal heavy damage, especially if both rounds hit their target together.

sniper rifle

Fortnite sniper rifle
Epic Games

The sniper rifle.

To accompany this new era, the island welcomes a whole new type of weapon! The sniper rifle is halfway between an assault rifle and a sniper rifle. By mastering its specificities, your results in combat will quickly be remarkable.

Hammer Assault Rifle

Fortnite Hammer Assault Rifle
Epic Games

The Hammer Assault Rifle.

In addition to its firing speed, the Hammer Assault Rifle has a unique recoil that, when successfully tamed, makes you a threat at almost any range!

Season 2 weapons that are still available:

  • Fist gun
  • Revolver
  • Automatic shotgun
  • Assaulter’s Specialized Shotgun
  • Stinger Submachine Gun
  • Combat submachine gun
  • Stalker Assault Rifle
  • Assaulter’s Burst Rifle
  • heavy sniper rifle
  • Grenade
  • firefly jar
  • harpoon gun
  • Dark Stalker Pistol (Exotic Weapon)
  • Elite Six-Shooters (Exotic Weapon)
  • The Splitter (exotic weapon)
  • Explosive Sniper Rifle (Exotic Weapon)
  • Shockwave Grenade (even though it’s not technically a weapon)

Speaking of returning items, the rock plow and repair tool are still present in Chapter 3 – Season 3!

Storm now deals more damage

Just because the island is celebrating doesn’t mean the storm has decided to calm down. In fact, it has even become even more dangerous! Now if you stay in it for too long during a game, you start to suffer from storm sickness, which has the effect of accelerating the reduction of your HP when you are in the storm.

But fear not: you always receive a warning when you are about to suffer the evil of the storm. Even better, you just have to get out of it for its effects to disappear. On the other hand, as soon as you set foot again in the storm, you suffer it again.

Epic Games

The slide has received small improvements.

Slight slide change

The slides have received some improvements! When you fall off a low ledge while sliding, you now continue moving instead of getting up. Also, when you land at high speed and go straight into a slide, you maintain momentum.

There you go, you now know all the new features of Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3. All you have to do is go in part to discover them all.

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