Fortnite: the Naomi Osaka skin arrives with a solo Cup competition!

A last little cosmetic collaboration before the deployment of tomorrow’s patch? True to its reputation, Epic Games continues to bombard Fortnite with cosmetic partnerships. The publisher today revealed a crossover with tennis player Naomi Osaka. The skin of the famous sportswoman will arrive in store on Friday March 4 at 1 a.m.but you will be able to win a copy of the outfit via a solo competition, if you rank among the top 2500 in the tournament scheduled for March 2.


As always, partnerships aren’t just about one skin. Noami Osaka will land on Fortnite with a whole range of accessories and variants.

Fortnite: Battle royale

So there will be two main variants for the skin. Each will be entitled to its own series of accessories.

  • Royal Racket Pickaxe
  • Queen’s Nimbocarrier Glider
  • alternate style queen of the court

Or :

  • Poromancy Racket Pickaxe
  • Dark Priestess Naomi Skin
  • Cursed Cerebrum Glider
  • Alternate Style Neon Priestess

The Naomi Osaka set also contains the Service Stance emote. At the time of this writing, the prices in v-bucks of the packs have not yet been revealed, but they should logically be around 1500 or 2000 v-bucks. Each item should also be purchasable individually in the shop.

A tournament to win the skin in advance

It has now become a tradition, and the crossover is embellished with a tournament which allows the best competitors to collect the skin in preview. The Naomi Osaka Solo Cup will take place this Wednesday, March 2. All you need to do is earn 8 points to get the exclusive aerosol Ace forbidden. The tournament will last 3 hours, and players can play a maximum of 10 games. The top 2500 ranked players on the EU server will get the skin for free.

Fortnite: Battle royale

Scoring system

  • Victory Royale: 30 points
  • 2nd: 25 points
  • 3rd: 22 points
  • 4th: 20 points
  • 5th: 19 points
  • 6th: 17 points
  • 7th: 16 points
  • 8th: 15 points
  • 9th: 14 points
  • 10th: 13 points
  • 11th to 15th: 11 points
  • 16th to 20th: 9 points
  • 21st to 25th: 7 points
  • 26th to 30th: 5 points
  • 31st to 35th: 4 points
  • 36th to 40th: 3 points
  • 41st to 50th: 2 points
  • 51st to 75th: 1 point

Each elimination: 1 point

Finding yourself in a squad of unknown players with a microphone and headphones is an experience in its own right. Fortnite’s “fill” mode indeed offers a voice chat, with the key to beautiful encounters… but often bad ones. Do not dream.

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