Fortnite will allocate massive humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Like the vast majority of players in the video game world, Epic Games has supported Ukraine in the war between it and Russia. The publisher has already taken various measures against the Russian market to mark its position, and today it decides to act on a humanitarian level, through its flagship game, Fortnite. This morning, day of the launch of the new “Resistance” season, Epic Games has pledged to donate all proceeds from Fortnite between March 20 and April 3, 2022 to humanitarian aid for victims of the war in Ukraine.

Aid of several million euros

This strong decision made by Epic Games represents much more than a small financial boost. Despite its slight loss of steam, Fortnite remains Epic Games’ main source of income: the game has generated 3.7 billion dollars in revenue in 2019, and more than 5.1 billion in 2020. This 15-day period represents tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars for humanitarian aid, especially since the period of time is at the inauguration of a new season; either the most lucrative period for the Battle Royale.

Epic Games will donate the amount recovered to several major humanitarian groups, such as UNHCR, UNICEF or the World Food Program.

Note that only purchases in “real” money (in euros) will be counted in this XXL collection. Subscribing to the Fortnite Club or buying cosmetic packs in euros counts, but your renewal of the Battle Pass using your remaining v-bucks will for example NOT be counted in the humanitarian collection. Clearly, it is spending real money on Fortnite during this time will generate funds, not using your v-bucks.

We can only praise the generosity of Epic Games on this one. The publisher hits hard, with aid that will amount to tens of millions of dollars donated, at the very least.

Welcome to the Resistance! The new season of Fortnite is illustrated with a traditional inaugural trailer, which features the heroes of the island against the forces of IO.

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