Fortnite: with a Kamehameha, he makes top 1 even before getting on the battle bus!

The Kamehameha is a bit of a weapon of mass destruction at the end of the Fortnite season. Goku’s technique inflicts colossal damage continuously, and does not require outsized aim to wreak havoc. Recently, a player managed to get top 1 with this weapon, even before jumping off the battle bus. Unheard of on the Battle Royale of Epic Games, which revives the debates on the omnipotence of the Kamehameha. That being said, you have little chance of being able to reproduce this feat at home… since this tour de force was achieved on a private lobby, and not on the official BR mode.

Anti-Aircraft Kamehameha

In this clip, the player positions a tent on the island which serves as a pastime, before the kick-off of the games. The smart guy has wisely stored a Kamehameha in his tent, and is going to use it to hit the battle bus head-on!

He patiently waits for the Battle Bus’ trajectory to be revealed, then launches his technique at the Battle Bus looming in the sky. The beam of the Kamehameha having a relatively low speed of progression, it is only when the players finally climb on the bus… that they are annihilated by the projectile coming from the island! A masterful glitch, but Fortnite veterans will quickly identify the “fake” aspect (it is impossible to pitch a tent on the lobby island, and it is impossible to take damage in the battle bus).

A weapon that remains OP

Even if this tour de force is a fake, it does not discredit the Kamehameha. Coupled with the magic cloud, the Kamehameha can be launched mid air, and annihilate players and buildings for several seconds of channeling. It’s hard to resist the power of Goku when you’re a mere mortal!

Fortnite is undoubtedly one of the most prolific games in the world, when it comes to skins. It’s simple: Epic Games makes sure to release new cosmetics almost every day. But what is the amount of the bill, if we buy all the cosmetic content of the game?

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