Fortnite would be about to welcome characters from Paramount (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Avatar …)

We can no longer count the many collaborations that have taken place between Fortnite and works from pop culture. Between Marvel, DC Comics, PlayStation, Xbox, and many others, the game ofEpic games continues to provide skins depicting famous people. According to information from XboxEra, reported by Eurogamer, it may well be that Fortnite be now ready to welcome characters possessed by Paramount.

It’s pizza time

The Paramount studio has a very large portfolio of characters, whether on the side of the series Avatar: The Last Airbender, Spongebob, or even the Ninja Turtles. It could be that the Knights of Scale and Vinyl will be the focus of an upcoming event at the end of the season, as a pizza in the form of a consumable will be added to the game.

Nothing is certain yet, but that would be good timing for Paramount, which is preparing to launch its Paramount + SVOD service in the Americas (with a series Halo which will arrive on it later in the year). With all the licenses owned by this giant, there is no doubt that Epic Games would have everything to gain from closing a deal, and if all this holds true, be prepared to see a whole bunch of skins tumble in the coming weeks.

Don’t forget that you can check out our ultra comprehensive guide to this Season 1 of Chapter 3 of Fortnite to learn more about this season.

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