Found in the guest garden – “Police!”: Owner pursued car burglars

Chase on foot! A 45-year-old from Grieskirchner screamed after two men who apparently wanted to break into his car beforehand. The alarmed police were finally able to arrest the two alleged perpetrators: They were sitting in a guest garden.

The man from Grieskirchner returned to his car parked in Wels on Thursday afternoon. Then he noticed that a stranger was tampering with his car, the driver’s door was already open. The alleged perpetrator fled with a second person. “Police!” The car owner did not hesitate for long and took up the chase. He shouted loudly: “Police!” One of the fugitives must have pulled a pepper spray out of his pocket, so the 45-year-old let go of the two men. A passer-by became aware of the loud chase and informed the police. During the search in the immediate vicinity, the officers found the two suspects – in the guest garden of a restaurant. False passports Two pepper sprays and several items that are typically used in car thefts – that’s what the police found in the two men, a 42-year-old Serb and a 57-year-old -year-old Bosnian. They also identified themselves with false passports. By order of the public prosecutor’s office, they are now being held in the Wels prison. The act did not cause any damage, it was just an attempt.
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