Four cows lost on the A6 cause kilometers of traffic jam

Lhe traffic on the A6 motorway was somewhat disrupted on Sunday January 2nd. And for good reason: four cows entered the road, north of Villefranche-sur-Saône (Rhône), causing an accident and serious traffic jams. The four animals burst onto the highway in the middle of the afternoon, 10 kilometers before the toll bar. One of the cows caused an accident around 4:50 p.m., without however causing any injuries, reports France 3 Rhône.

The shock still resulted in the formation of a traffic jam of about ten kilometers, allowing motorists to take pictures of the cows, while they remained stranded. “We saw a cow behind the guardrail watched by two police officers and another further than they managed to get out of the highway,” said a witness.

READ ALSOIn Corsica, cows are wreaking havoc

Two-way traffic jams

The incident, which forced motorists stuck in the traffic jam to wait 40 minutes, was resolved around 5:15 p.m., according to the motorway company APRR. Alongside the gendarmes, an animal firefighter took part in the evacuation of the animals, two of which had crossed the central reservation and started to disrupt traffic in the direction Lyon-Paris. The disruptions and traffic jams lasted for at least 18 hours.

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