four unions boycott the consultation

The weeks pass and union opposition to civil service reform remains strong. But differences in strategy appear between them. Tuesday May 21, the Minister of Transformation and the Civil Service, Stanislas Guerini, received the representative organizations of agents as part of the consultation on the draft law being developed. Four of them, the CGT, FO, FSU and Solidaires, representing more than 50% of the agents, decided to boycott the meeting.

Read also | The abolition of categories A, B and C of the civil service is “on the table”, according to Minister Stanislas Guerini

“The bill does not respond to the concerns of agents and the needs of the public service”, underlined the co-leader of the Federal Union of State Unions-CGT Céline Verzeletti, during a joint press conference for the four organizations on Tuesday morning. For the trade unionist, the meeting planned by the minister serves as a “pseudo-consultation”. “We do not accept these methods and we therefore refuse to associate ourselves with these meetings”specified Mme Verzeletti. “Stanislas Guerini does not want to discuss the substance but makes announcements in the press”declared for his part Christian Grolier, secretary general of the General Federation of Civil Servants-Force Ouvrière, deploring that no specific element on which to consult has yet been presented by the minister.

Tuesday May 14, the minister affirmed on the Public Senate channel that the abolition of categories A, B and C of the civil service “is a subject that[il] puts on the table »considering that these categories “often lock up public officials” and create “glass ceilings that are very difficult to break”. The category system is a structuring element in the careers of civil servants, classifying them according to their level of diploma. Category C, the lowest paid, is accessible without a diploma, with a CAP, a BEP or a college certificate, category B with a baccalaureate and category A with a bac +2 or bac +3 level, depending on the branch of the public service. The administration now believes that many agents are overqualified compared to the category in which they work.

The proposal also aroused great excitement among trade union organizations. Especially since this is not the first time that Minister Stanislas Guerini has made an announcement to the press that has sparked controversy. On April 9, in The Parisianthe minister had expressed his desire to “lift the taboo of dismissal” agents. A position reaffirmed on May 14. “Respect for trade union organizations means not having a hidden project, it means putting the issues on the table”he assumed.

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