“framed” expenses, the bill causes a scandal


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For Les Républicains, the back-to-school allowance must be supervised. Thus, the right-wing deputies have made a bill that targets the beneficiaries… and creates indignation.

The back-to-school allowance (ARS) is eagerly awaited by the French beneficiaries of this aid. A few weeks before the start of the school year for students of all ages, it’s time to go shopping for supplies. Schoolbags, notebooks, pens, diary and special back-to-school wardrobe… The credit card will heat up. Paid by the end of August, beneficiaries of this aid can expect to receive 376.98 euros per child aged 6 to 10; 397.78 euros per child aged 11 to 14 and 411.56 euros for children aged 15 to 18. An amount increased by 4%, like many government aids.

A welcome allowance in this period of inflation, but which the target ofa rumor : ARS beneficiaries would use the aid to buy televisions for themselves rather than school supplies for their children. On this basis, the Republican deputies tabled a bill on August 4aimed at regulating the use of the back-to-school allowance and combating fraud. A proposal driven by this idea that “real affection“of the sum paid by the State”remains unknown to the public authorities insofar as it remains at the discretion of the families of the beneficiaries“. A proposal that creates indignation.

Scandal after the bill on back-to-school allowances

The back-to-school allowance is useful and fair! It is a precious help for three million families to finance the supplies of the children and to face the expenses of re-entry. Stop the stigma“, launched government spokesperson Olivier Véran on Twitter.

Other politicians highlighted their aversion to the bill, which comes during MPs’ vacations: “Fortunately, we can always count on Les Républicains in search of new ideas, to put in place a PPL in the middle of August, in order to fight against all these bad poor people who misuse their back-to-school allowances”underlines the deputy LREM Maud Bergeon.

As a reminder, according to a CNAF study for 2013, 99% of beneficiaries bought school supplies and 95% clothes with the amount of back-to-school allowances.

As a social journalist, I work on all subjects related to feminism, news items and the fight against discrimination. Equally affected by the crises that follow…

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