France: Macron pays tribute to revolution in Sudan

The power of the revolution is like a “burning fire” for the people, said Macron on Monday at the start of an international Sudan aid conference in Paris, to which the French head of state had invited. “The December Revolution was no accident in history,” said Macron. It has its roots in the long struggles of the Sudanese people for their freedom and dignity. Struggles in the world have seldom been so characterized by continuity and persistence.

The democratic transition must now respond to the wishes of young people and enable all political actors in the country to join forces to shape a common future, said Macron. It is not up to the international partners to tell Sudan what to do. However, one wants to support all those who want to take responsibility for this transition. In the end, there should be free and transparent elections. “It is also important that the compass of the courageous economic reforms that you have undertaken continues to guide the transition,” Macron said, addressing the guests from Sudan.

Published: May 17, 2021, 15 minutes ago

Last updated: May 17, 2021, 4 minutes ago