France Rnov ‘, the one-stop shop for housing renovation, is launched

The Minister for Housing Emmanuelle Wargon announced on Wednesday the launch of a one-stop shop for aid for the energy renovation of private homes, called France Rnov ‘.

It is the launch of a public service of renovation, affirmed Emmanuelle Wargon in press videoconference. I think it is essential that we have a clear mark, readable by the French, she added. Simplification is underway, and now, in this simplification, national aid and community aid are all under the France Rnov banner, ‘said the minister.

Piloted by the National Housing Agency (Anah), 450 one-stop shops – some of which oversee several sites – have opened, employing 1000 advisers so far dedicated to the MaPrimeRnov ‘scheme. In 2021, this renovation aid scheme received some 764,000 applications, of which nearly 658,000 were accepted and 380,000 paid. The president of Anah, Thierry Repentin, said he hoped to initiate more than 800,000 cases for the year 2022.

Renovation aid will be supplemented by a bank loan, guaranteed by the State (renovation advance loan), of which only the interest will be repaid immediately. The remainder of the charge will be reimbursed only at the time of the resale of the property or of the estate. Two banks, Crdit Mutuel and the Postal Bank, have undertaken to finance it.

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France Rnov ‘also aims to develop personalized support for individual projects, with dedicated guides who come to their homes. From 2023, other professionals will be able to become guides. The trades covered will be defined during a consultation but for the architects, we are in the idea that it is quite natural, explained the minister.

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