France: The energy branch of the CGT joins the mobilization for salaries at the end of January


France: The energy branch of the CGT joins the mobilization for salaries at the end of January | Photo credits: EDF – DIDIER MARC

(Technical rehearsal, updated with new elements, context)

PARIS, January 10 (Reuters) – The National Federation of Mines and Energy CGT (FNME-CGT) on Monday called for a renewable strike by miners and energy companies from January 25, for the revaluation of salaries and pensions .

“On January 25, FNME-CGT calls for mobilization and strong actions that could be lasting because only the fight pays”, notes the federation in a press release, specifying that “this movement is part of a week of mobilization on wages and employment “.

The CGT, FO, FSU and Solidaires unions, as well as the youth organizations FIDL, MNL, UNEF and UNL, have already launched a united call to strike and mobilize on January 27, “for an increase in wages in the public and private “.

(Report Benjamin Mallet, written by Myriam Rivet, edited by Nicolas Delame and Blandine Hénault)

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