Franck Dubosc: his astonishing request made to Emmanuel Macron: Current Woman Le MAG

A few days ago, the humorist Jean-Marie Bigard revealed at the microphone of South Radio that the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron had called him to discuss with him his rant against the non-reopening of bars and restaurants. A secret call that the Elysee Palace did not wish to comment on. Franck Dubosc therefore decided to appeal to the head of state. As explained by our colleagues from Here is, in a video posted on his social networks on Saturday May 30, 2020, the French humorist wanted to share with his community, the fruit of his reflections during the two months of confinement. Reflections on the reimbursement of dental care by mutuals.

Franck Dubosc wants to rebuild his teeth

In its publication Instagram, Franck Dubosc explains: "I know that Jean-Marie Bigard had the President of the Republic, who called him because Jean-Marie had a rant. I don't want to piss off the world, but lo and behold, I would like to do my teeth againI wanted to know if I could be reimbursed by my mutual. So if the president, Mr. Macron could call me, so that we could talk about it. " A request that Danièle Dubosc’s husband did not only make for himself, as he then explained in his video : "So, not only for me, but for all French people who would like to have their teeth redone, it has to concern everyone, namely, if mutuals can reimburse, if I could receive a phone call … " The call is launched …

Read also : "Everyone in the kitchen": Franck Dubosc chamber the haircut of a participant