Franco-Spanish summit on January 19 in Spain

Photo credit © Reuters

ALICANTE/PARIS (Reuters) – A Franco-Spanish summit will take place on January 19 in Spain “to go further” in the relationship between the two countries, the Elysee Palace announced on Twitter on Friday.

French head of state Emmanuel Macron and Spanish head of government Pedro Sanchez met on the sidelines of the summit of the southern countries of the European Union, in Alicante, Spain.

“We will continue to work together, dear Pedro. And because our countries have so much to share, our peoples have so much in common, we will meet again on January 19 in Spain to go further together”, writes the president.

According to several sources in Paris and Madrid, the two capitals are working on the development of a new treaty of friendship and cooperation between France and Spain.

The announcement of the January summit is a sign of warming after the dispute in recent months over a gas pipeline project through the Pyrenees, which France was hostile to.

Instead of this gas pipeline, the two countries, with Portugal, finally agreed on the construction of an undersea pipeline between Barcelona and Marseille, the “BarMar”, intended for the transport of hydrogen.

(Belen Carreno in Alicante with Elizabeth Pineau, Michel Rose and Bertrand Boucey in Paris, edited by Matthieu Protard)

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