François (Koh-Lanta 2022) indicted: the moving testimony of a firefighter injured during the intervention

On the Plateau de Touche not at my post, one of the firefighters injured in the intervention for which François is indicted gave a heartbreaking testimony. He does not understand how the firefighter can participate in Koh Lanta.

“I represent today the totem of truth, which I still carry on my body today”. On the Touche set not at my post this Friday, February 11, Lucas delivered a moving testimony. In 2016, the life of the young 27-year-old firefighter changed after a forest fire. Seriously burned over 40% of his body, he spent long days in a coma and had ten fingers amputated. For this tragedy, François, a candidate for the next season of Koh Lanta, is indicted for manslaughter. The 38-year-old commanding firefighter, along with six other of his colleagues, is under investigation as justice “suspects them of having given the troops inappropriate, sometimes contradictory orders, and provided insufficient training and obsolete equipment”. If he is presumed innocent, his participation in the adventure game is controversial.

“The presumption of innocence, he benefits from it, we have never benefited from it”, launched Lucas on the set of Touche not at my post. And to mention François’ participation in the TF1 show, which begins on February 22: “Today, some speak of the season of Koh-Lanta as cursed, since the name of ‘cursed totem’, I represent today the totem of truth, which I still carry on my body today”. Very “irritated”Lucas does not understand why “some take a totem, the totem of the presumption of innocence as a shield to erase what happened”. If he knows that the production of Koh Lanta was not aware, he is terribly angry with his hierarchy: “The SDIS 34 knew full well that he was indicted. (…) I was injured, I lost a colleague, but he’s still a man. How can a hierarchy let this happen today?” .

Lucas: “I also represent the family of the deceased”

If Lucas is not particularly angry with François, he wants to speak in the media. “You know today, I came, because I also represent the family of the deceased, I also represent the firefighters who are going to watch me tonighthe added in Touche pas à mon poste. And I can tell you that the whole family of Hérault firefighters is angry today. They don’t understand how a hierarchy can let that happen. When you are indicted, I think the least you can do is to make yourself very small. It’s not very smart.” Since the revelation of his indictment by the Canard Enchaîné, François has not spoken publicly. As for the production, it assured TV Starthat this investigation “does not call into question these elements since he is at this stage of the procedure legally presumed innocent”.


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© C8

2/12 –

In 2016, the life of the young 27-year-old firefighter changed after a forest fire

© C8

3/12 –

Severely burned over 40% of his body, he spent long days in a coma and had ten fingers amputated.


4/12 –

For this tragedy, François, a candidate for the next season of Koh Lanta, is indicted for manslaughter

© C8

5/12 –

The 38-year-old firefighter commander, along with six other of his colleagues, is the subject of an investigation since the justice “suspects them of having given the troop inappropriate, sometimes contradictory orders, and provided insufficient training and materials. obsolete”

© C8

6/12 –

If he is presumed innocent, his participation in the adventure game is controversial

© C8

7/12 –

“The presumption of innocence, he benefits from it, we have never benefited from it”, launched Lucas on the Touch set not at my post

© C8

8/12 –

“Today, some speak of the season of Koh-Lanta as cursed, since the name of ‘cursed totem’, I represent today the totem of truth, which I still carry on my body today”

© C8

9/12 –

Very “irritated”, Lucas does not understand why “some take a totem, the totem of the presumption of innocence as a shield to erase what happened”

© C8

10/12 –

If he knows that the production of Koh Lanta was not aware, he is terribly angry with his hierarchy

© C8

11/12 –

“The SDIS 34 knew full well that he was indicted. (…) I was injured, I lost a colleague, but he’s still a man. How can a hierarchy let this happen today?”

© C8

12/12 –

Since the revelation of his indictment by the Canard Enchaîné, François has not spoken publicly

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