François Ruffin believes that it is necessary to “breathe” LFI

LFI MP François Ruffin at the rally against the rising cost of living and climate inaction in Paris on October 16, 2022. CHRISTOPHE ARCHAMBAULT / AFP

While after Jean-Luc Mélenchon is preparing, the elected official of the Somme considers that the power of the party is “extremely centralized”.

LFI deputy François Ruffin considers that it is necessary “breathe“The insubordinate France whose power is “extremely centralized“, at a time when the after Jean-Luc Mélenchon is preparing.

I feel left. The fact that La France insoumise wants to open up, make the movement breathe, if that happens, it will be a good thing“, declared the elected official of the Somme to France Inter-France Télévisions-Le Monde on Sunday, when he was questioned about his place within LFI.

It is a movement that has an extremely centralized power“, he added. “I advocate changing things from below” in order to “that we can make democracy live, stimulate it from below” and “from above, there must be an opening, that there is a diversity of opinions, that divergence is not perceived as a nuisance“, continued François Ruffin. “We could even vote, it could even exist“.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon still has something to contribute to the French left“, also underlined the deputy, on the day of a”march against high cost of living and climate inaction» initiated by the former presidential candidate in Paris.

François Ruffin has always dug a singular furrow on the left, between proximity and distance with Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “I have a current Ruffin“, he assured Sunday, while refusing to”have a numbers competition“.

At the end of August, LFI deputy Clémentine Autain had asked for more “pluralism” and “territorial anchorage“to La France insoumise, whose operation “gaseous“fishing, according to her,”in intermediate elections and in non-election periods“.

SEE ALSO – Paris: the left demonstrates during the “march against high prices and climate inaction”

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