François Ruffin challenges his people on the reconquest of the popular electorate

What arouse the annoyance of relatives of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who accuse him of simplism.

Tuesday morning, François Ruffin spoke “seriously” to the left in order to know ” if she wants to win back this popular electorate from the France of yellow vests, from the France of roundabouts, from peripheral France “. If the left has the will to do so “, he will need ” find the passwords ” and ” the priorities “. But the deputy of the Somme of the Insoumis group – in promotion of his latest book I am writing to you from the front of the Somme (The links that liberate), confided on France Inter to have “ more than a doubt “In view of the score achieved in his region by the RN. Ruffin goes so far as to hear ” signs of abandonment “.

No simplicity! »

What arouse, very quickly, annoyed reactions from some pillars of France Insoumise, who resent this more or less expressed criticism of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s strategy in the last presidential election. ” Yes dear François Ruffin, ‘let’s do better’replied to him on Twitter, annoyed, his colleague from Seine-Saint-Denis, Alexis Corbière. But why silence our good scores in departments that are also popular? The Nupes is 43% among those who win – from 1250 €. Corbière advances another statistic and another reality: the 1st electoral behavior of popular circles is abstention, not the RN. » « No simplicity “, castigates this historical figure of the movement, close to Jean-Luc Mélenchon. ” We need to expand “, he admits a little later in the debate.

SEE ALSO – The deputies of the Nupes pose in front of the National Assembly for a “family photo”

Just elected deputy in Essonne, another Insoumis pillar, Antoine Léaument, also went to the front against the words of François Ruffin with chosen words. ” To oppose the citizens of the districts and the campaigns by invisibilizing the mobilization of the first to say that one did not speak to the second, it is to take part in the logic of division of the people of our adversaries “. ” We must create the common, not the divide “, he added with a smiley in the shape of a wink…

Same reaction from another Ile-de-France MP LFI, Bastien Lachaud.

Peripheral France, that of the towns,does not appear as a priority. »

Already in April, an interview with François Ruffin at Liberation had aroused criticism right up to the top of the movement. This interview has still not been digested among the Insoumis unaccustomed to questioning. “ Peripheral France, that of the towns, Ruffin pointed out then, does not appear as a priority. And when we look at the statistics from the polls, that’s what we dive into: the Mélenchon vote is 24% in the Paris agglomeration [+8 points comparé à 2017, ndlr]. But it is 14% in municipalities between 20,000 and 100,000 inhabitants [-7 points]. Ruffin, since the legislative elections, has focused on the question of work and the link between the left and the working classes.

If the deadlines are still distant, these tensions, among the Insoumis, feed on the hypotheses on the succession of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in 2027. Especially since the former deputy himself opened this door in an interview with Reporterre published Tuesday, saying he “ wish to be replaced » . I am not a candidate for the permanent candidacy. I’ve done it three times already, because necessity dictated“, insisted the former candidate, who”does not aspire to constantly renew the same role“. To those who seek his succession – there are many – Mélenchon launched: “Vhere is my instruction: make yourself loved. The one who will be most loved by many, you will see that it will seem natural to you to say: “Go, go!””. He himself could still change his mind by then.

SEE ALSO – François Ruffin presents Emmanuel Macron as the “bastard” of François Hollande

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