Frank Plasberg: He takes over his talk show "hard but fair" again

Frank Plasberg (62) is back: According to corresponding media reports, the moderator will return to his talk show "hard but fair" on the first Monday, February 10th, at 9:00 p.m. For the past two weeks, he was represented by "ARD Morgenmagazin" presenter Susan Link (43) due to illness. The 62-year-old suffered from a temporary failure of the right balance organ. According to the information, doctors had ordered him to rest, the problem had arisen due to a recent blast trauma.

In its first program after surviving illness, Plasberg is devoted to the currently dominant political topic surrounding the disaster of being elected prime minister in Thuringia. Guests in the studio include the former Prime Minister of the State of Thuringia, Bernhard Vogel (87, CDU), and the Federal President of the Young Liberals, Ria Schröder (27).