As a precaution, Frank-Walter Steinmeier went into quarantine. The Federal President's first corona test result is negative.
Because one of his bodyguards had tested positive for the corona virus, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (64) went into quarantine as a precaution. According to information from "n-tv", a first quick test at Steinmeier was negative. The "Tagesschau" also reported, citing a spokeswoman, that the result of an initial test was negative.
Belgian Foreign Minister tested positive
Sophie Wilmès (45), the Belgian foreign minister, had meanwhile announce on Twitterthat a corona test came back with a positive result. Presumably she got infected in her family circle. She had declared on Fridaythat she had gone into isolation after discovering possible symptoms of Covid 19 disease. She immediately informed her doctor.
Chancellor Angela Merkel (66) had to go into quarantine for a good two weeks in March after coming into contact with a doctor who discovered the virus shortly afterwards. A total of three tests at Merkel were then negative. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (54) and Economics Minister Peter Altmaier (62) went into quarantine as a precautionary measure because they had contact with infected people.