Franziska Giffey: Federal Minister is looking forward to a visit to the hairdresser

Franziska Giffey
Federal Minister is looking forward to visiting the hairdresser

Franziska Giffey at an appearance in Berlin.

© photocosmos1 /

Family and Women's Minister Franziska Giffey also longs for a visit to the hairdresser: For her, "the hairline is the problem".

Family and Women's Minister Franziska Giffey (42), like many people, is currently waiting to finally have their hair cut again. "It also annoys me personally that I have not been able to go to the hairdresser for weeks, and of course I wish that the hairdressers can open again soon," said the SPD politician of the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" (NOZ).

Giffey added with a laugh: "After all, I don't have the problem like short-haired wearers, where everything immediately goes out of shape. For me, the hairline is the problem." She also explained: "Well, if we can go to the hairdresser again, that would be a small boost to the mood for very, very many. And of course for the hairdressers themselves, many of whom are worried about their existence."

Merkel has help

Chancellor Angela Merkel (66) revealed in an RTL interview a few days ago that she was being styled by a professional make-up artist. "As is well known, I have the support of an assistant. Of course we comply with all sanitary regulations and yes, you slowly turn gray, you have to live with that." She is also happy when hairdressers can open up again. "But I'll say again, we have to have good reason under our feet again so that we can open it and not close it again after a short time."
