Franziska Knuppe: Her Relationship Secret |

24 years of marital bliss
Model Franziska Knuppe reveals her relationship secret

© Jens Kalaene / Picture Alliance

Model Franziska Knuppe has been married to her husband Christian for 24 years. Presenter Annika Lau revealed what the secret of her happy marriage is on Gala TV.

More than 24 years is a model and presenter Franziska Knuppe and her husband Christian are already in a relationship. In the coming year, the silver wedding will be celebrated big. Such a long and above all scandal-free relationship is not a matter of course. But what is the secret of their love? In an interview with Franziska Knuppe, “Gala TV” presenter Annika Lau wants to know whether the two would never argue.

“Of course we also argue, that’s part of every relationship,” she says. “But we’re not one of those people who give up immediately or keep quiet about it. You really talk about it and then it’s good again.”

Open tubes of toothpaste and socks lying around are no arguments

The dishwasher was loaded incorrectly, the laundry was not hung up correctly and someone keeps leaving their things lying around everywhere? Topics that cause arguments in many relationships. Not so at Knuppe. Open tubes of toothpaste or toilet rolls hung upside down are not controversial issues for the model, they are easy to deal with. After all, she also leaves things lying around that annoy her husband. Then they are both the same.

Disputes do not belong in public

“But if not about socks lying around, then what are you discussing about?” Moderator Annika Lau asks. There are always things that need to be discussed, explains Franziska Knuppe, but that doesn’t mean that you start arguing about it. “Maybe that’s also the reason why we’ve been together for so long, or why nobody ever reads anything about us: it’s private for us and it doesn’t belong in public either.”

The model cannot do anything with flirting offensives from other men

On the contrary: the native of Rostock cannot take men who are very special “charm bolts” seriously. She has already experienced so much in common with her husband Christian that the two of them connect very deeply and firmly. Other men wouldn’t stand a chance and they don’t interest her either.


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