Fraudsters on the Internet – The “model” now has four long years to think

Facebook fraudsters stole a whopping 72,000 euros from a woman from Burgenland. At the trial at the Eisenstadt regional court there were hefty penalties for the repeat offenders.

And then Karin Lückl’s collar burst, and not just in her robe. “Do you think we are completely stupid?” asked the chairwoman of the jury court in Eisenstadt. Invented Facebook profileThe defendant, a 45-year-old Austrian, paused briefly before continuing his rant. Yes, he invented the Facebook account “Daniel Piozo”, a model with a corresponding profile picture, desperately looking for a partner. He needed money. A woman from Burgenland was so impressed by the attractiveness of the photo that she sought correspondence. Instead of “Piozo,” the defendant and his German partner (34) answered, claiming to manage “Piozo’s” luxury goods. Her “boyfriend” needed money because he didn’t get a commission after selling a property. The Burgenland woman, who was apparently in love, made a total of 65,000 euros, also because she had been put under pressure. She also handed over another 7,000 euros to the second defendant. Beware of love scams! You can call what happened to the Burgenland woman gullible or simple-minded. The fact is that Love Scam is a highly profitable way of raising money on the Internet – the defendant has nine previous convictions, five of which were relevant! The scam is often the same. It was said here that “Daniel Piozo” needed money for an apartment and operating costs, otherwise he would have to move into a shared apartment. The victim paid the two defendants, who claimed that they had of course passed the money on to “Piozo”. When “Piozo” called the woman from Burgenland in person and complained about his suffering, it was of course the man who pulled the strings. Lavish punishments The jury court couldn’t be fooled: the man will spend four years in prison for serious commercial fraud, his partner two. Not legally binding.
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