Freak out at the away game: Cristiano Ronaldo was questioned by the police

Freak out at the away game
Cristiano Ronaldo was questioned by the police

An incident occurs at a Manchester United away game – right in the middle of Cristiano Ronaldo: The superstar slaps a young fan’s mobile phone out of his hand. The police are investigating, the soccer professional is being questioned personally – and receiving a warning.

Soccer superstar had to go to the police – and received a warning. “We can confirm that a 37-year-old man has voluntarily appeared for questioning on charges of assault and property damage,” Merseyside Police said. “The allegation relates to an incident following the Everton v Manchester United football match on Saturday 9 April at Goodison Park. The matter has been dealt with in the form of a conditional warning. The matter is therefore closed.”

Videos show how the Portuguese slapped the mobile phone out of a young fan’s hand as he walked into the dressing room after Manchester United’s 1-0 defeat at Everton. Ronaldo was injured in the bankruptcy. When he left the pitch with his socks rolled down, two cuts were visible on his left leg, after the defeat the frustration was obviously great.

“We were right at the tunnel where they passed – my son filmed them all. And then he put his cell phone down because Ronaldo had pulled his sock down and his leg was bleeding,” the 14-year-old’s mother described the incident to English media . “Ronaldo then just walked by, in a horrible, horrible mood and knocked the phone out of my son’s hand and kept walking.” The boy suffered bruises on his hand.

A little later, Ronaldo publicly regretted his freak out: “It’s never easy to deal with emotions in difficult moments like the one we’re experiencing right now,” announced the superstar. “Nevertheless, we must always be respectful and patient and set an example for all young people who love the beautiful game.” He also shared on Instagram: “I would like to apologize for my freak out and – if possible – invite the fan to attend a game at Old Trafford.” The police nevertheless initiated investigations, which now end with a warning for the 37-year-old.

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