“Freaky” reverses the roles between the girl and death


When a cinematographic genre is wrung out, most of the time it only has to survive in a parody or over-self-conscious form by operating on the ironic commentary of its clichés.

The horror film based on serial killers (the slasher) has long since entered this self-reflective and funny phase, sometimes with a certain talent (the series of Scream, by Wes Craven). Freaky will not deny this observation, by proposing a funny premise. A teenage girl is attacked by a murderer (whose appearance is loosely modeled on that of the series of Friday 13).

Burlesque potentials

Following a somewhat obscure spell, the spirit of the victim and that of the monster are each found in the body of the other. The moral question posed by the possibility of “putting yourself in the place of the other” is quickly eclipsed by the burlesque potentialities of such an inversion.

The shy and effeminate clumsiness of a tall guy of two meters (Vince Vaughn) in the face of the cruelty of a frail young girl (Kathryn Newton) constitutes the springs of a comic built on the disorders of gender identity (in the sense of sexual this time). When horror fiction becomes theoretical, we have a little fun.

American film by Christopher Landon. With Vince Vaughn, Kathryn Newton, Celeste O’Connor (1 h 42).