free DLC is coming but fans are still complaining

Lords of the Fallen is getting free content, but despite everything, not all players are happy with the recent changes. Here’s what we can learn from it.

Lords of the Fallen, a spiritual successor to the 2014 title of the same name, launched last month on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. And this one is about to receive some great content. After a recent update which made the game easier and introduced a Halloween touch, the developers of Hexworks and the publisher CI Games reveal the program of upcoming additions. We can note new quests, two new events, as well as more armor and weapons.

A great program for Lords of the Fallen

In a process of continuous optimization, Hexworks plans weekly updates which will aim to stabilize the game. But also to improve performance and balance the experience, particularly for online crossplay. Before the end of the year, the studio will add multiple new quests offering the opportunity to unlock unique armor sets and weapons. Moreover, some are created in collaboration with the community during participatory livestreams. Players can also look forward to 12 new spells, new attacks, and a host of community-requested features… like the New Game Plus (NG+) modifier system. Not bad is not it ?

Saül Gascon, studio head at Hexworks, highlights the importance of an open relationship with the community and the studio’s commitment to integrating their constructive feedback to evolve Lords of the Fallen. Furthermore, a recent update raised the level of difficulty, notably by strengthening several bosses. For example, the boss Sanctified Huntress can now use her teleport-dash even when pinned against a wall, while Griefbound and her minions have become more aggressive.

Everything is not rosy

However, some changes made, including significantly increasing mana costs for certain boss weapons, have received mixed reactions within the community. Players deplore identical balancing management for PvP and PvE. They lament that boss weapons now require 10 upgrade levels instead of 5, which they say doesn’t solve balance issues but simply requires more resources. The Hexworks studio remains attentive to player feedback and continues to refine the gaming experience through these substantial updates.

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