Free household books: saving made easy

There are a dime a dozen guidebooks on the subject of “saving money”. Probably the most frequently mentioned tip is: Prepare an overview of your income and expenses. This works best with a budget book. You don’t need expensive premium programs for this, because free household books do a good job and offer numerous functions. The following overview shows which software you can use to bring order to your finances.

Household books: finances under control

Budget book Excel

When it comes to budget book software, many people think of Excel first. That makes sense, after all, the spreadsheet is made for recording income (such as salary, child benefit, pensions) and expenses for groceries, clothing, shoes, etc. and calculating the difference. But that is easier said than done. There are budget book templates so that you don’t have to become an Excel professional first. For example, the Excel document Spartipp Budget Book offers a successful mix of functionality and clarity. Practical: The most important categories for income, expenses & Co. are already entered in the free list. In addition, the household book is equipped with an electricity and gas cost calculator. Enter the meter readings on a regular basis – you will already know whether an additional or repayment is to be expected.

Download savings tip budget book

Household Book Software: Tips

Would you like to use the budget book in the long term and are you looking for a solution with as many options as possible? Then an independent budget book software is recommended. If you are willing to spend a little more time on your financial planning, the subcategories, for example, help you to track the flow of money more closely. Free budget book programs such as korAccount also have budget planning integrated. This will help you reach your savings goals for special expenses more quickly. In addition, korAccount is equipped with an online connection to automatically retrieve account movements. After all, this saves a lot of typing when filling the budget book.

Because you have to grapple with a lot of numbers with household books, FinanzmanagerV8 focuses on a clear, modern look and intuitive operation. The program’s “dashboard” shows the results of detailed evaluations at a glance. In this way, you can quickly get a feel for possible monthly cost traps. You can also protect access to the program from prying eyes with a password.

Download FinanzmanagerV8

However, if you regularly deal with several currencies, you should take a look at MyMicroBalance. Because this budget book supports various means of payment – as well as the import and export of data in formats such as CSV, TXT or XML. If you are familiar with Microsoft Office, you will warm up particularly quickly with MyMicroBalance, because the design and menu navigation of the software are based on it.

Download MyMicroBalance

Budget book app

If you prefer to manage your finances on the go using the budget book app with your smartphone or tablet, you will also get your money’s worth. The “Finanzguru” app, which is only available for Android and iOS devices, offers a quick overview. To do this, the free app taps all bookings directly from your online account, automatically assigns them to the appropriate categories and uses clever algorithms to create analyzes of your income and exceptions. The only downer: cash expenditures cannot (yet) be recorded in the app. This, however, works with SayMoney – the budget book app for Windows 10 on your PC to manage income and expenses and to have them evaluated either on a monthly or annual basis. You can also record your expenses directly from your smartphone with the associated budget book app for Android and iOS. Android users without a Windows 10 PC have the option of trying Money Manager Ex or MyMicroBalance. Both household books also have a mobile household book app for smartphones and tablets.
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Free budget book: save money now!

Saving begins with choosing the right software. In the overview you will find recommended programs, some of which even cost nothing! the installation works with a few clicks of the mouse. In addition, maintaining electronic household books does not require a lot of effort or prior knowledge. It is only important that you keep your records conscientiously and always stay on the ball.

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