Free Mobile: this SMS was not sent by the operator, it is a scam!

Be careful, phishing alert! Indeed, Free Mobile customers are being targeted by a new phishing campaign. Crooks seek to pass through the French operator to obtain the usernames and passwords of subscribers.

Credits: Pixabay

After the phishing attack against Amazon Prime customers, it is the turn of Free Mobile subscribers to be targeted by a new scam. According to several testimonials posted on social networks, and in particular on Twitter, several users have received an SMS supposedly from the French operator, displaying the following message: “Free Mobile: following suspicious activity on your account, an agent tried to make contact. Identify yourself at ”.

As you might expect, this email is a scam. The link it contains indeed reviews on a fake login page faithfully reproducing (with a few details) the interface of the Free Mobile site. The goal here is to get you to log into your account to check what’s wrong. In reality, hackers will take advantage of this to retrieve the username and password entered in the typing zones.

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free mobile scam
On the left, the fake login page set up by the hackers.

New scam targets Free Mobile customers

Obviously, this counterfeit has some imperfections, such as a slightly different font and an absent logo at the Connect button. Apart from these two details, one can easily be fooled by this false page. We will never remember enough the right reflexes to adopt to avoid falling into this grotesque trap : systematically check the sending address, the address of the links, the consistency of the message without forgetting the obvious spelling and syntax errors.

If you witness this kind of scam, you have at your disposal a free platform set up by the French authorities: Phishing Initiative. Here, you can enter the address of the fraudulent site and add a comment to provide more details. “The Phishing initiative service offers all Internet users the opportunity to fight against phishing attacks […] By contributing to this project, you reduce the impact of this cybercrime and prevent other Internet users from falling victim to fraud ”, summarizes the platform.

As a reminder, Free Mobile was recently condemned by the CNIL to pay a fine of € 300,000, after several breaches of the GDPR, the European data protection regulation.

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