“Free, veiled by choice”: Frédéric Michalak, whose sister is a convert to Islam, attacks Marine Le Pen

Frédéric Michalak wrote a meaningful tweet this Thursday, April 21. The ex-rugby player shared a photo of his sister, a convert to Islam, before attacking Marine Le Pen.

On April 10, the French went to the polls to vote for the candidate of their choice in the first round of the 2022 presidential election. The result was announced around 8 p.m. and these are therefore Emmanuel Macronthe current President of the Republic and Marine Le Pen who compete this Sunday, April 24. Both therefore had a few days to chain interviews, meetings and trips to convince the French. The latest is the debate, organized this Wednesday, April 20. This has caused a lot of talk on social networks and in particular because of comments made by Marine Le Pen. The candidate indicated her desire to prohibit the wearing of the veil in public space. An announcement that did not go unnoticed and it is not Frédéric Michalak who will say the opposite. On his Twitter account this Thursday, April 21, he shared a photo with his sister. “My little sister born in France, I love youI’m sad to see that you wouldn’t be free in your own country to live your faith“, he wrote in the caption of the photo on which we can see her veiled sister. A subject that touches him personally.

The wearing of the veil outdoors is causing a lot of talk and Marine Le Pen’s opinion has not gone unnoticed. On his Twitter account, Frédéric Michalak did not hesitate to give a rant. “Free, veiled by choice, and helping the poorest every day!“, he continued. To end his message, he first said: “Shame on you National Rally” before adding: “Vote Emmanuel Macron“. The former rugby player is not the only one to have called for a vote for the current President of the Republic. A forum was published by Le Parisien on April 13 and it was signed by around fifty athletes. Among them, Alain Bernard, Christophe Lemaitre, Laure Manaudou, Tony Parker and, of course, Frederic Michalak. In addition, whoever will be elected this Sunday, April 24 will be responsible to declare the opening of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. An initiative that sports do not wish to leave to Marine Le Pen who could “mark this historic moment with the seal of the far right”. Thereafter, it was explained:The sport in which we believe, that of the values ​​of Olympism, is made of friendship and respect. it is the place of diversity. He rejects all discrimination. Everywhere on the territory, in our cities, our suburbs and our countryside, sport is a powerful remedy for exclusion“. That has the merit of being clear.

Marine Le Pen: what are the comments made by the candidate?

The debate between the two rounds between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen was held this Wednesday, April 20. When the question of the veil outdoors was asked, the candidate made comments that were very commented on. “I am for the ban of the veil in public space“, she first announced before adding: “The veil is a uniform imposed by the Islamists, a large part of the young women who put it on cannot do otherwise in reality, even if they dare not say so”. According to Marine Le Pen, it is important to free all these women and for that we must ban the veil in public space“.


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© Celine Bregand

2/12 –

Frederic Michalak
He mentioned the comments made by Marine Le Pen.


3/12 –

Frederic Michalak
The candidate wants to ban the wearing of the veil.


4/12 –

Frederic Michalak
A subject that particularly affects Frederic Michalak.


5/12 –

Frederic Michalak
Her sister is veiled.


6/12 –

Frederic Michalak
He spoke on his Twitter account.


7/12 –

Frederic Michalak
He called to vote for Emmanuel Macron.

© Romain Doucélin

8/12 –

Frederic Michalak
Frederic Michalak had also signed a platform.

© Giancarlo Gorassini

9/12 –

Frederic Michalak
He does not want Marine Le Pen to be elected.

© Federico Pestellini

10/12 –

Frederic Michalak
A rant that does not go unnoticed.

© Jean-charles Vinaj

11/12 –

Frederic Michalak
Frederic Michalak was very upset.

© Jean-charles Vinaj

12/12 –

Frederic Michalak
He quickly defended his sister.

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