“Freedom convoys”: 7,200 police and gendarmes mobilized in Île-de-France

The Paris police headquarters has unveiled the security system surrounding the decree banning demonstrations by “freedom convoys” which runs from Friday to Sunday in Paris.

This system provides for the mobilization of 7,200 police and gendarmes over the three days. It will allow the security of the capital as well as a multiplication of controls and verbalizations of offenders.

Checks will take place at tolls but also on the main axes of Ile-de-France. These checks will aim to intercept vehicles and convoys that have decided to defy the assembly ban.

The Prefecture of Police recalls that people who “persist in wanting to reach Paris” would be outlawing themselves and risking under Article L.412-I of the Highway Code (offence of obstructing a lane open to public traffic), to be punished with two years’ imprisonment, a fine of 4,500 euros, as well as the impoundment of the vehicle, the loss of six points and the suspension of the driving license for a period of three years or more.

The “freedom convoy” movement is inspired by the mobilization of truck drivers in Canada.

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