French Bishops consider Pope’s remarks on Abbé Pierre “encouraging”


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PARIS (Reuters) – The French Bishops’ Conference said on Saturday that Pope Francis’ comments on accusations of sexual violence against Abbé Pierre encouraged “work for the truth”.

Abbé Pierre is a “terrible sinner” and “abuse is in my opinion a demonic thing,” Pope Francis said when asked about the accusations against Abbé Pierre on Thursday, aboard a flight to Rome after a 12-day tour of Southeast Asia and Oceania.

According to the sovereign pontiff, the Vatican was also aware of these accusations at least since 2007, the year of Abbé Pierre’s death.

“I don’t know when the Vatican discovered it (…) but certainly after [sa] “dead for sure,” he said.

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The Abbé Pierre Foundation and Emmaüs published a report in July on several accusations of sexual assault against the Catholic priest.

The Pope’s words, judges the Conference of Bishops of France in a press release published on the social network X, “encourage this work of truth and historical clarification around Abbé Pierre”.

“We welcome the statements of the Holy Father calling for full light to be shed, and for a resolute and collective fight against all types of abuse within the Church and society,” she added.

(Written by Kate Entringer)


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