Friends: this trauma experienced by Lisa Kudrow during filming

American actress Lisa Kudrow, who played the character of Phoebe in “Friends”, recently revealed that she experienced trauma during the filming of the series.

Lisa Kudrow’s debut in Friends was not easy. The American actress, who played the character of Phoebe in the cult NBC series, recently revealed that she experienced trauma during filming.

“I thought I was very thin. (…) But when I made Friends, I realized that I was not as I thought”declared last August the actress in the podcast Podcrushed, remarks relayed by the site People. “It was shocking. I wondered if I should lose weight, if I should go on a diet.”

Why did Lisa Kudrow have this feeling? “It happened when I saw myself dressed and saw Courtney Cox and Jennifer Aniston dressed”, then responds the 59-year-old actress.

“I’m not saying I was overweight, I wasn’t. I just had no idea what my body shape was”continues Lisa Kudrow, whose relationship with her image will then evolve over the years.

“I just realized it was okay, it was just who I was”concludes the actress. “I told myself that I just had to do what I needed to be healthy. That it was my body and that was okay.”

Did you notice the “Friends” cameos?

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