Frizzy hair, trendy haircuts to sublimate them

Long hair, squares, short haircuts… Frizzy hair can also adopt all the trends of spring-summer 2023. The proof in pictures with the 21 most beautiful haircuts for textured hair of the moment.

If pass the course of wear your hair natural frizzy is a key step for many women, as Leïla recently told us, who shared with us her experience when she stopped straightening her hair, it is sometimes difficult to find the haircut that will sublimate them. It must, in fact, come to terms with the fragility of these often dry and fine hair, whose characteristic spiral shape does not allow the sebum to spread naturally over their entire length to protect them as it does on straight hair. This is why Afro hair needs protective hairstyles daily. This does not mean, however, that the nappy hair is a capillary style restricted to a few ties, quite the contrary.

Contrary to popular belief, there are a multitude of haircuts capable of highlight the natural volume of frizzy hair and play with their curls. Long cuts that soften the curls and thus reduce their volume, short cuts that make maintenance easier while giving pride of place to the texture, mid-length cuts that structure the hair or flatter the oval of the face… In the end, you just have to plan good maintain your haircut to keep frizzy hair healthy, without ever neglecting the care of course.

Frizzy hair: 3 super trendy haircuts to wear this summer

  • The square cut : essential in the hairstyle trends of the moment, the square cut can be worn both in the short square version and the long square, and even in more daring variants such as the ultra short square or the asymmetrical square.
  • The afro cut : far from being satisfied with a single length of hair, it can be personalized at will with more or less long locks and a gradient that willingly reinvents its traditional shape to give it more suppleness and a modern look that is a little more relaxed and easy to maintain.
  • The short shaved haircut : this is the perfect boyish cut version for textured hair. Facilitating daily maintenance, it is worn with more or less shaved sides and longer locks on the top of the head.

Discover the most beautiful trendy haircuts that highlight frizzy hair in pictures.

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