From flop to cult film: This masterpiece defined an entire generation


Some masterpieces take time to find their audience and only become cult films over time. This is a film that simply has to be talked about – even if it means breaking an important rule!

Fight Club (Source:

Whether a film will be a flop or a hit is usually only decided at the box office and is difficult to predict in advance. However, 20th Century Fox did not have high hopes of success in 1999, as David Fincher’s “Fight Club” left them baffled. Who should this film be for? And how should it be promoted?

While Fincher himself hoped for a cynical, satirical marketing campaign that would be more in keeping with the film, Fox decided to focus on Brad Pitt and the fight scenes, which actually only make up a very short part of the film’s running time. This meant that the film did not appeal to the right target audience and, in fact, “Fight Club” did not perform well at the box office.

Only later, in the home cinema, did the adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk’s novel of the same name find its audience and gradually became a cult film that defined an entire generation and whose posters still decorate countless student rooms today.

That’s what “Fight Club” is about

Fight Club

Fight Club (Source:

The frustrated office worker Jack meets the dubious Tyler Durden, soon after gets out of his daily routine and founds the “Fight Club” with him. This allows the members to get an adrenaline rush through brutal fist fights.

More and more men are joining the club and enjoying the feeling of being able to go about their everyday lives feeling stronger afterwards. For Tyler, the fighting club is just the first step in a revolution and the club soon becomes a private army.

Everything you need to know about “Fight Club”

Fight Club

Fight Club (Source:

The thriller “Fight Club” is still praised today for its social criticism and the acting performances of Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter. Despite its brutal fighting scenes, the story is thought-provoking.

  • During the film, the name of the protagonist and narrator is not mentioned, and the name “Jack” comes only from secondary literature.
  • The total US box office revenue after the film’s release was only 37 million US dollars. However, with the release of the special edition on DVD in 2007, the film became a huge commercial success.
  • Russell Crowe was initially considered for the role of Tyler Durden.

How to stream “Fight Club”

If you want to watch “Fight Club” after it has been broadcast on free TV, you can stream the thriller on both Netflix and Disney+. For a fee, you can also find the film on Amazon Prime Video, the Google Play Store, Apple TV and YouTube.

How to receive kabel eins in live stream

The easiest way to receive kabel eins as a live stream is to subscribe to one of the following online TV services. This not only gives you a full stream, but also allows you to watch it legally. We advise against illegal or dubious offers.

But with a trick you can still save money and use kabel eins for free via the TV streaming app ZattooThis works even if the channel is not included in the German free package, because you use Zattoo Switzerland in combination with a VPN. We’ll explain exactly how this works in just a few steps in our streaming insider tip.

With these TV streaming apps you can watch the live stream from kabel eins online – sometimes without registration and free of charge.

Reading tip: In our guide “Watching TV over the Internet” we offer you a comprehensive overview of the best legal Internet TV providers in Germany. There you will also find out how the individual services performed in our tests, which packages are free and who broadcasts which channels.

Watch kabel eins live stream online in your browser

You can find all legal live streams from kabel eins here on this page. Unless otherwise stated, you do not need to register or pay for the stream.

  • Live stream [Kostenlos; Bis zu 5x kostenlos am Tag abrufbar ohne Anmeldung.]

Since all streams run directly in the browser, you can start the stream on a laptop and connect it to the TV. With the appropriate resolution and bandwidth, you will get a full picture on your TV. Alternatively, you can make your TV “smart” and then start the stream directly on the TV using the integrated browser.

Fight Club

Fight Club (Source:

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