From what age can a child ride in the front of a car (and what are the exceptions)?

What (really) does the law say about children in cars? What is the minimum age to ride in the front? To be sure that your offspring is safe (and that you do not risk a fine), here are the rules to follow.

Some may still remember the days when seat belts were not mandatory, when speed on the roads was barely regulated, and when children could ride in the front seat without question. This period is well and truly over. Today, a whole bunch of rules and laws govern the conduct of motorists (and this is not to annoy them).

From year to year, the government has wanted to strengthen the safety system on the roads. Starting, in particular, with the children. From the moment they are born, they are effectively subject to strict and mandatory regulations when transported by car. Front or rear, car seat, booster seat, seat belt… We take stock.

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What rules for children transported by car?

In France, the law is different before and after the age of 10. According to the site Service-Public.frchildren under 10 must be seated and supported by a “restraint device” consistent with their size and weight. This can be a car seat or a booster seat for older children (children under 135 cm must be seated in an approved car seat): ​​​​​

  • Baby car seat (group 0/0+) : for children weighing up to 13 kg (approximately up to 15 months). These seats are generally oriented rearward facing.
  • Child car seat (group 1) : for children weighing between 9 and 18 kg (approximately 9 months to 4 years). These seats can be oriented facing or rearward facing.
  • Booster seat (group 2/3) : for children weighing between 15 and 36 kg (approximately 4 to 12 years old). These devices allow you to use the car’s seat belt.

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What is the minimum age to ride in front (and what are the exceptions)?

Before the age of 10, in addition to the obligatory car seats or booster seats, it is imperative that the child is seated in the back of the car. A child under 10 years old can be seated in the front, with a car seat or booster seat, if the rear seats are already occupied by other children or if the vehicle does not have rear seats.

Car seats for young children (group 0/0+ and often group 1) should be installed rearward facing for as long as possible, ideally until the age of 4, as this orientation offers better protection in case of frontal collision. Warning: if a car seat is installed at the front of the vehicle facing backwards, it is imperative to deactivate the passenger airbag. It is therefore onlyfrom the age of 10 that children are legally allowed to riding in the front of cars without a car seat or booster.

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What are the risks ?

All these rules are not there for nothing. First, car seats and booster seats are specially adapted to the shape of children under 10 years old and protect them better in the event of an accident. Next, seat belt systems and child restraints are designed for use in the rear seats, with the front seats being more exposed to direct impacts. Children, due to their smaller size, are less protected at the front. Being more vulnerable, they are therefore simply safer in the back.

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In France, non-compliance with the rules concerning the transport of children in a car, in particular the incorrect use or absence of a suitable restraint device and the presence of a child under 10 years old in the front passenger seat, is punished by a fixed fine. The amount of this fine is 135 euros. This offense is also punishable by the loss of several points on the driving license (generally 3 points).

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