Frustration with government course: Brexit Minister Frost resigns

Frustration with the government course
Brexit Minister Frost resigns

He was best known as the politician who negotiated the trade pact with the EU on behalf of London. Now, however, Brexit Minister Frost is reportedly stepping down. He is said to reject recent decisions such as 3G rules in clubs or spending on climate protection.

British Brexit Minister David Frost has left the government according to media reports. The minister responsible for relations with the EU had submitted his resignation to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, according to the British media, citing government sources that were not named. At first, the Downing Street seat of government refused to comment on the reports.

According to the “Mail on Sunday”, the Brexit Minister is said to have submitted his resignation around a week ago. Johnson persuaded him to stay in office until January. In the talks between Great Britain and the EU about the controversial Brexit rules for Northern Ireland, both sides had recently approached each other.

According to the report, the departure is said to be related to frustration over recent political decisions by the government. This should include the introduction of the particularly controversial 3G certificates (vaccinated, recovered or tested) for clubs and major events. As a result, nearly 100 Conservative MPs had rejected Johnson’s vote this week. The higher expenses for the path to climate neutrality and tax increases should also be a thorn in the side of frost.

Frost, who is also a member of the British House of Lords, negotiated the Brexit trade pact at the last minute with his French counterpart Michel Barnier, who represented the EU. This enables largely duty-free trade between Great Britain and the EU even after the country leaves the European Union. However, there are still many hurdles, problems and points of contention.

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