Fuck the January Depression: Here comes the bright spot

Fuck the January Depression
Here comes the ray of hope

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Falling into a deep hole after Christmas? Not with us: 5 things that make you happy

by Theresa König

The days are getting longer again

YES! Finally. The winter solstice – the day on which the night is the longest – we have now left behind us. So from now on we can look forward to the summer, buy a bikini as a precaution and book us directly for a long weekend at the sea.

No goose for a year

Goose, we had it now. Plenty. We can safely take a break. Pineapples, bananas, grapes and fish promote the release of serotonin. This is a happiness hormone and works like the body's own antidepressant. So eat a lot of it, that not only puts you in a good mood, but also helps against the winter blues.

Make the fox of silence

We have talked a lot the last few days. Always and always closed. Do you also feel limped out? Then do the silence fox. Preferably in the jogger on the couch. Now you have time again. For books, Netflix or to stare holes in the air. Feels good, doesn't it? And you miss: nothing!

To be able to organize the time freely again

The good thing about January is: everyone is still in a kind of holiday coma. Because of this, the phone is unusually quiet and the calendar is still empty. And that means: FREEDOM! So do exactly what you want to do. It is enough if you take part in social life again from February.

Ventilate briefly

Clear your head, let yourself be blown through – that creates a really good mood. Most of the time we are in a bad mood because we get far too little light in winter. So it's best to go outside the door for 15 minutes every day. The sunlight is more powerful than any winter lamp, even on lousy winter days. It also strengthens the immune system. And what makes you in a better mood than not counting among those who drag themselves to work with a dripping nose and like a heap of misery.