Full kitchenette? Clearing away these 4 things immediately creates more space

Full kitchenette?
4 things you can safely put away in the kitchen

Kettle, microwave, spice jars: you can confidently ban these items from your kitchen counter.


When it comes to cooking, we also need space – and some items that are lying around on the kitchen counter are usually more in the way than helpful.

“But I definitely need the pretty salt shaker for cooking!”: Does this sentence sound familiar to you? Countless things are often piled up on kitchen units that we hardly ever use in practice. Spice mills, cookbooks and the favorite bowl inherited from grandma are usually more in the way than useful – not to mention the unwieldy food processor.

Which four things you can confidently banish from your kitchen

It’s not only time for spring cleaning in the rest of the house: in the kitchen, too, you can confidently clear out items that only take up space and are rarely used – or stow them away in kitchen cupboards where they can be stored until they are needed again. In the video you can see what you can clean up in your kitchen unit.

Source used: realsimple.com


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