Funcom formalizes Dune: Awakening, its multiplayer survival game

Last February, we learned that Funcom was surrounding itself with new studios to get its hands on a survival MMO around Dune, a project that was also going to be pharaonic for the publisher, without too much precise information on the game. itself, which we now know is in development on PC but also PS5 and Xbox Series.

Well, we should not hope for more, with this trailer which therefore formalizes the future release of Dune: Awakening. If not a few clues to decipher quickly in this short presentation. We must therefore expect to face all sorts of threats specific to Arrakis: electric sandstorms or, of course, the famous giant worms which will engulf our harvesters in a few seconds. But we can also console ourselves with the fact that we can ride this same Shai-Hulud, or even travel aboard the Atreides ornithopters.

So you have to go to the game’s official website to find out a little more about its future gameplay mechanics. It will thus be possible to build shelters against these famous storms, take care of his Distille suit and his water reserve or even learn the ancestral Fremen ways to move in the desert. On the exploration side, it will be necessary to embark on remote and unmapped regions of the Empire, to hope to discover or search for ship carcasses or abandoned sietchs to collect their resources.

But above all to get your hands on new veins of Spice, in order to deploy new harvesters. Harvesters that will therefore have to be defended against the famous wildlife of the planet, but also against possible looters or opposing factions. In addition to the possibility of mounting its own faction, it will be possible for us to choose our own way of consuming the Spice, to develop or not new psychic powers. And then, of course, the possibility of customizing its base according to its good will.

The other good news is that we can already register for the first public beta phase of the game, without further details on a possible date.

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