Fundraising campaign for Heinz Hoenig: This is how much his treatment costs

Fundraising campaign for Heinz Hoenig
That’s how much his treatment costs

© imago images/Gartner

Heinz Hoenig, 72, is currently recovering from an esophageal operation. But the actor is facing another operation, an aorta operation. A fundraising campaign on the “Go Fund Me” platform, which was launched by Ralph Siegels, 78, Siegelring GbR, has now listed the costs that Hoenig’s treatment has cost so far. The campaign wants to use this to explain why the “urgently needed step” was taken to raise the fundraising goal to 500,000 euros.

Financing the “life-saving operation”

The alleged previous costs include the stent operation at around 20,000 euros, various examinations such as MRI and X-rays at 10,000 to 15,000 euros, the removal of the esophagus at around 50,000 to 60,000 euros and the intensive care care at around 60,000 euros so far . “These necessary measures have already pushed us to the limits of our financial possibilities,” says the campaign update from May 21st.

“Now further, extremely expensive medical interventions are pending, in particular a major aorta operation, the cost of which is estimated at around 120,000 euros,” it continues. “In order to be able to finance this life-saving operation and the further necessary care, we must increase our fundraising goal.” The costs shown, apart from the transport costs, are estimates and may vary depending on the further treatment plan. After the invoice has been issued, the actual costs should be made transparent.

After the operation on the esophagus, Hoenig’s wife Annika Kärsten-Hoenig, 39, gave the broadcaster RTL an update on her husband’s health. A decision will be made in the next few days as to when Hoenig is stable enough and can undergo the aorta operation. If he survives the procedure on the main artery well, he can then leave the clinic and be cared for at home. As a trained nurse, she herself could support the 72-year-old well.

Kärsten-Hoenig explained to “Bild” at the beginning of May why the operations were necessary. A bacterial infection had spread to his entire aorta and a stent inserted in 2012 was damaged. The actor was then given a new stent, but he still needs a new aorta. Before that, however, he had to undergo surgery for a hole in his esophagus.


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