Funny video: Chocolate fountain turns into a cheese spinner

Is a chocolate fountain suitable as a cheese fondue? A Korean blogger wanted to try it – with an explosive result.

What happened?

A Korean food blogger had a creative idea: Chocolate fountains are the most spectacular way to enjoy a chocolate fondue – why shouldn't that work just as well with cheese fondue?

Doesn't sound strange at all.

No, not at all. After all, a chocolate fountain only has one job: to let liquid chocolate flow down in a steady stream so that you can dip in delicious fruit or other delicacies. Whether it's liquid chocolate or liquid cheese shouldn't really matter, right? At least that's what food blogger "Tasty Hoon" thought and got to work. Soon he had many delicacies and fried snacks spread out in front of his camera and loaded his chocolate fountain with cheese. The party could begin!

That didn't work out so well, right?

No, unfortunately not. As "Tasty Hoon" quickly discovered, its melted cheese wasn't nearly as runny as the chocolate the fountain usually carried. The machine's motor tried hard, but the lines quickly clogged and the machine fell apart. And then it got really chaotic.

That was just the beginning?

Yes, but: as soon as the outer casing of the fountain had fallen off, the inner mechanism, which repeatedly transported the chocolate to the top of the device, was able to rotate unchecked and thus became an impressively effective cheese spinner.

That sounds … sticky

You can say – in the video you really have to feel sorry for poor "Tasty Hoon", who panics and takes cover while the device is knocking thicker and thicker threads of cheese around his ears. But luckily everything turned out well.

What is the happy ending after such a cheese explosion?

The cheese volcano video went viral and "Tasty Hoon" suddenly became a small online star. When he later repeated his experiment with much more liquid cheese (successfully) he had a large fan base who watched him do it – and applauded him in front of the computer when he could still dip his delicious snacks in cheese from the fountain. All's well that ends well – you don't have to completely give up hope with every cheese.
