Furious against Pelosi, Beijing begins its great maneuvers around Taiwan

Chinese military helicopters fly near the Chinese island of Pingtan on August 4, 2022, the first day of military exercises (AFP/Hector RETAMAL)

China on Thursday fired missiles and deployed fighter jets and ships in the waters around Taiwan, the first day of unprecedented military exercises around the island in response to the visit of the Speaker of the House of Representatives of States. United Nancy Pelosi in Taipei.

Despite strong warnings from Beijing, which considers Taiwan as one of its provinces, Ms. Pelosi, one of the highest American officials, stayed Tuesday and Wednesday on the island.

Ms. Pelosi’s initiative is seen by China as a provocation, support for supporters of Taiwanese independence and a reneging on the United States’ promise not to have official relations with the island.

In response, the Chinese military has launched a series of military exercises in six sea areas all around Taiwan, along busy trade routes and sometimes just 20 kilometers from Taiwan’s shores.

The maneuvers, which began at noon Thursday (0400 GMT), included “conventional missile fire” at waters off the east coast of Taiwan, said Shi Yi, a spokesman for the Chinese military.

“All missiles hit their target with precision, testing precision strike and access denial capabilities” to the area, he said in a statement.

Condemning “irrational actions that undermine regional peace”, the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense confirmed that the Chinese military had fired “11” Dongfeng-type ballistic missiles “between 1:56 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. in waters to the north, south and eastern Taiwan.

He did not say whether or not they flew over the island.

– Shot and detonation –

In Pingtan, a Chinese island located not far from the maneuvers in progress, AFP journalists witnessed the firing of several projectiles on Thursday afternoon, which flew into the sky after detonations, leaving behind plumes of smoke. white.

Tourists on a beach on the Chinese island of Pingtan observe plumes of white smoke during Chinese military exercises on August 4, 2022.

Tourists on a beach on the Chinese island of Pingtan observe plumes of white smoke during Chinese military exercises on August 4, 2022 (AFP/Hector RETAMAL)

At the closest mainland location to Taiwan, reporters also spotted five military helicopters flying low near a seaside tourist spot.

The Chinese military exercises are due to end at noon on Sunday.

According to the Chinese newspaper Global Times, which quotes military analysts, these maneuvers are on an “unprecedented” scale and missiles should fly over Taiwan for the first time.

“If the Taiwanese forces voluntarily come into contact with (the Chinese army) and accidentally fire a shot, (the Chinese army) will retaliate vigorously and it will be up to the Taiwanese side to bear all the consequences.” , told AFP an anonymous military source within the Chinese army.

The authorities of the island condemned the military exercises, “an irrational act aimed at challenging the international order”, according to them.

For Beijing, these maneuvers – as well as others, more limited, started in recent days – are “a necessary and legitimate measure” after Ms. Pelosi’s visit.

Chinese military maneuvers

Chinese military maneuvers (AFP/)

“In the face of malicious provocations that so blatantly infringe China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, our countermeasures are justified,” Hua Chunying, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, told reporters on Thursday. .

The drills aim to simulate a “blockade” of the island and include “assaulting targets at sea, striking targets on the ground and controlling airspace”, according to the official Xinhua news agency.

– Recurrent tensions –

Major Taiwanese government websites were temporarily inaccessible during Nancy Pelosi’s visit, Taiwan authorities say, blaming cyberattacks linked to China and Russia.

Images of Chinese military exercises broadcast on a giant screen in a street in Beijing, August 4, 2022

Images of Chinese military exercises broadcast on a giant screen in a street in Beijing, August 4, 2022 (AFP / Noel Celis)

If the hypothesis of an invasion of Taiwan, populated by 23 million inhabitants, remains unlikely, it has increased since the election in 2016 of the current president Tsai Ing-wen.

Coming from an independence party, Ms. Tsai refuses, unlike the previous government, to recognize that the island and the mainland are part of “one China”.

Visits by foreign officials and parliamentarians have also increased in recent years, provoking the ire of Beijing.

In response, President Xi Jinping’s China, which wants to be intractable on questions of sovereignty, seeks to isolate Taiwan diplomatically and exerts increasing military pressure on the island.

However, China has no desire for the current situation to degenerate, experts told AFP.

“An accidental war ‘triggered by an incident’ is the last thing Xi Jinping wants” before the CCP congress, said Titus Chen, professor of political science at National Sun Yat-Sen University in Taiwan.

Amanda Hsiao, China analyst at the International Crisis Group think tank, notes, however, that these exercises “represent a marked escalation from the norm of Chinese military activities around Taiwan and the last crisis in the Taiwan Straits in 1995-1996”.

And “by doing so, Beijing indicates that it rejects any sovereignty” of the Taiwanese authorities on the island, she underlines.

© 2022 AFP

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