Furnishing tips: How to create more storage space in the bedroom

Interior hacks
6 tips for more storage space in the bedroom

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Does your bedroom offer far too little space for clothes, bed linen, books, etc.? These six simple but ingenious tricks will give you more storage space.

The sweater has just been thrown over the chair and the charging cables, books and other bits and bobs are piled up on the bedside table. The room quickly appears untidy and cluttered. This often happens, especially in the bedroom, when things have to be done quickly in the morning and we just fall into bed tired in the evening. Things can quickly end up on the floor or on the chair in question. There are some smart interior ideas that are easy to use in the bedroom Storage space can be conjured up – which makes it appear tidier and larger in no time.

These 6 tips can easily create more storage space in the bedroom

1. Use the space under the bed

A typical place where we often waste space is under the bed. Most of us just collect dust there, but we could make good use of the dead space. bed boxes, boxes, boxes – there are countless ways to store things under the bed. And in the best case, almost invisible!

2. Shelves, shelves, shelves

Walls are also unused space in many bedrooms. With shelves You can easily create additional storage space there. Maybe you have space above your bed or above a chest of drawers for shelves on which you can store books, clothes or boxes of small items without them taking up space in the room. But be careful not to use every centimeter of wall, otherwise it will quickly appear overcrowded.

3. Practical bed chest

If your bedroom has the space, you can do great with one bed chest work. You place the piece of furniture in front of your bed and can conveniently use it as a bench – and store items in it that you can’t find space for elsewhere.

4. Choose smart furniture

Another way to easily create additional storage space is with smart furniture that itself offers plenty of space. For example, instead of simple bedside tables, you could prefer Nightstands with drawers or other compartments. Instead of open shelves, you can use chests of drawers or cupboards that can accommodate a lot of things.

5. Off to the closet

In most apartments the walls are high enough that cupboards etc. do not reach the ceiling. This means that there is often still air on the furniture – dead space again. You can do wonderful things on wardrobes Boxing Stacks in which you can best store items or textiles that you don’t use very often.

6. The door as a space saver

Doors are underestimated space miracles when furnishing. First of all – depending on the layout of the room of course – there is some space behind most doors that we often leave unused. It is ideal for narrow storage furniture, such as very practical laundry baskets that fit exactly into such niches. Also Hanging storage for doors Easily offer additional storage space, for example for shoes, clothing or jewelry.

Sources used: schoener-wohnen.de, apartmenttherapy.com

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