G20 meeting in Indonesia – Host warns of new division at G20 summit opening – News


The G20 summit of the leading industrial and emerging countries has started on the Indonesian holiday island of Bali.

  • The G20 summit began on Tuesday on the Indonesian holiday island of Bali.
  • The world’s leading industrialized and emerging countries will discuss, among other things, the Russian war against Ukraine as well as food and energy security.

At the start of the G20 summit, Indonesian President Joko Widodo warned of a new division in the world. “We have a responsibility to the peoples of the world,” the host appealed to the other participants, including Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The 19 most important industrialized and emerging countries in the world as well as the European Union take part in the summit meeting.


In his opening speech, host Joko Widodo appealed to the “responsibility for the peoples of the world” and warned of a split.

Reuters/Aaron Favila

“We shouldn’t split the world in two,” Widodo said. This includes compliance with international principles. Referring to Russia’s war against Ukraine, Widodo added: “We must end the war. If the war does not end, it will be difficult to meet our responsibility for future generations.”

Final Declaration on Russian War of Aggression

Shortly before the start of the G20 summit, the chief negotiators of the European Union and the 19 leading economic powers agreed on a draft joint final declaration. This was confirmed by EU Council President Charles Michel at a press conference on Tuesday morning.

“We should try to use the G20 meeting to convince all partners to put more pressure on Russia,” said Michel. The end of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine is the best way to end the food and energy crisis.

According to the German news agency DPA, the declaration should also welcome expanded and new national contributions to climate protection. All parties would also be called upon to “urgently strengthen” the reduction of emissions, adaptation to the consequences of climate change and the means of implementation, the DPA quotes from the draft submitted to it. The G20 countries are themselves responsible for 80 percent of carbon dioxide emissions.

Half an hour late because of Biden

The meeting in the holiday resort of Nusa Dua started about half an hour late because US President Joe Biden was a long time coming. The 79-year-old was then greeted by the host, Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

In the conference room, Biden greeted German Chancellor Olaf Scholz with a handshake and hugged India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Russian President Vladimir Putin is staying away from the meeting. The reason for Biden’s delay was initially unclear. However, the White House announced that the US President had tested negative for the corona virus in the morning.

It had previously become known that Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen had tested positive. Biden attended the summit of the Southeast Asian community of states ASEAN in Cambodia at the weekend and also met Hun Sen there. The White House said he didn’t count as a close contact under CDC guidelines.

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