Gabriel Attal announces a spectacular increase in the number of checks on job seekers

Gabriel Attal has learned – at least – one lesson from the brief period during which he was Minister of National Education, just before his arrival at Matignon: pedagogy is an art of repetition. Friday 1er March, during a trip to the Vosges, the head of government once again expressed the desire to transform “our social model” so that he “always encourages more work”. His remarks were particularly forceful: “This will require difficult decisions”he warned, without providing further information, but clearly referring to the possibility, mentioned several times by the executive since the end of 2023, of a further tightening of insurance rules. unemployment.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers Gabriel Attal wants to further tighten unemployment insurance rules, by reducing the duration of compensation a little further

Through this visit, Mr. Attal intended to show how much he is “for a France of work”. He also showed all his attention to the middle classes, “who earn a little too much to receive assistance, but certainly not enough to be comfortable”. A message to urge them not to give in, three months before the European elections, to “mermaids” extremes: the National Rally was not named, but Mr. Attal was obviously thinking of it – first and foremost.

In just under four hours, he went to three different locations, several kilometers apart: an agency of France Travail, formerly Pôle emploi, a training center for truck drivers and a company manufacturing machines, Numalliance . A journey carried out vigorously in the company of two ministers, Catherine Vautrin (work, health and solidarity) and Roland Lescure (industry and energy).

” We will never let go “

The tenant of Matignon took the opportunity to confirm his intention to continue the overhaul of our welfare state, with scathing formulas. THE ” system “according to him, operated, for decades, on a “hypocrisy”which consisted of “buy social peace with social aid”. This maintained “mass unemployment”confinement in “inactivity” and the ” resentment “. It’s necessary ” stop “ to this situation and change “paradigm”insisted the Prime Minister, emphasizing that the decisions taken since the election of Emmanuel Macron in 2017 were already part of this perspective, in particular through the successive reforms of unemployment insurance which have toughened the conditions of employment. ‘compensation.

Today, Mr. Attal wants to go even further, but without saying how. He limited himself to announcing a – spectacular – increase in the number of checks on job seekers: the goal is to carry out 1.5 million at the end of the five-year term, or around three times more than in 2023, while targeting people likely to be hired in sectors seeking labor.

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