Gaëlle Bona (Mongeville) does she have children?

This Saturday, July 9, France 3 is rebroadcasting two episodes of season 6 of Mongeville. A series in which we find Gaëlle Bona, in the role of captain Valentine Duteil. But who is the woman behind this character?

When the series began in 2013, it was alongside Marie Mouté that Francis Perrinaka the Judge Mongeville, conducts its first investigations in Bordeaux. But from the second season, the actress is replaced by Gaelle Bonawhich then embodies the Captain Valentine Duteil. The lovely blonde will then lead Judge Mongeville by the nose and allow him to solve his investigations.

And if since then the series has met with great success, it is as much thanks to the performances of Francis Perrin, whom we no longer present, as to those of his talented on-screen partner. Behind the charming police captain is actually an actress who has had a long theatrical, cinematographic and television experience.

Gaëlle Bona, a peaceful mother

Gaelle Bona is born on May 11, 1980 on a sailboat off Brittany. She then grew up in the Paris region where she did the dance conservatory, but also where she passed the baccalaureate without conviction, before finally missing it. She then headed for England to join a friend who had just set up a theater troupe. A first experience before deciding to devote 100% to this passion. She notably shot under the direction of Sofia Coppola in Marie Antoinette or under that of Olivier Jahan in Sand castles. But it is especially on television that she stands out. Since 2007, she has appeared in more than twenty French productions. But it was ultimately thanks to Mongeville that her career took off, and her blatant complicity on screen with Francis Perrin.

Mom of two children – a teenage girl and a young boy – Gaëlle Bona decided to settle on an island in Brittany, because she fell in love with the region, just like her parents, who were originally from Cantal. A peaceful life, far from the tumult of Parisian life, surrounded by loved ones.


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Gaelle Bona
When the series began in 2013, it was alongside Marie Mouté that Francis Perrin, alias Judge Mongeville, conducted his first investigations in Bordeaux.


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Gaelle Bona
But from the second season, the actress is replaced by Gaëlle Bona


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Gaelle Bona
Gaëlle Bona plays Captain Valentine Duteil.


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Gaelle Bona
The lovely blonde will then lead Judge Mongeville by the nose and allow him to solve his investigations.


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Gaelle Bona
And if since then the series has met with great success, it is as much thanks to the performances of Francis Perrin, who needs no introduction, as to those of his talented on-screen partner.


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Gaelle Bona
Behind the charming police captain is actually an actress who has had a long theatrical, cinematographic and television experience.


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Gaelle Bona
Gaëlle Bona was born on May 11, 1980 on a sailboat off the coast of Brittany. She then grew up in the Paris region where she did the dance conservatory, but also where she passed the baccalaureate without conviction, before finally missing it.


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Gaelle Bona
Gaëlle Bona then took the direction of England to join a friend who had just set up a theater troupe. A first experience before deciding to devote 100% to this passion.


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Gaelle Bona
It is especially on television that Gaëlle Bona stands out. Since 2007, she has appeared in more than twenty French productions.


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Gaelle Bona
Gaëlle Bona is the mother of two children – a teenager and a young boy


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Gaelle Bona
Gaëlle Bona decided to settle on an island in Brittany, because she fell in love with the region, just like her parents, who were originally from Cantal.

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